jasnoo alpha

Focus on what matters

Stop procrastination and anxiety by clarifying what matters and what doesn't. Built to be your last productivity software.

jasnoo - Focus on what matters
See the big picture, literally
Never get lost in the daily tasks or the dreams. Always see how everything fits together.
jasnoo - See the big picture, literally
Achieve daily clarity
Remove procrastination and anxiety by always having a clear list of priorities.
jasnoo - Achieve daily clarity
Plan down to the smallest steps
Start with your big goals, and iteratively connect it to physical steps you can take.
jasnoo - Plan down to the smallest steps
Easy way to reprioritize
Our brains are not perfect linear machines, we all get off track.
jasnoo - Easy way to reprioritize
Choose what to fail at
We all have too much stuff to do. Only way to achieve what we really want is to get clear to what we won't do.
jasnoo - Choose what to fail at
Visual goal breakdown
Writing stuff sequentially is not how our brains work.
Infinite canvas
If your goals are so big then need 20 levels of solutions, so be it.
Priorities ranking wizard
Get clear on your priorities and choose to what to say no to
Task management
All the task management features you need. Set priorities and dates. Add subtasks and recurring tasks
Daily and weekly view
See what you need to get done today and this week
Quickly capture your ideas
Input tasks and goals effortlessy
Desktop & offline only
Dedicated to be your last productivity app.
Full keyboard accesibility
Fully supported to allow you to work as quick as you can type
Windows & Linux support
Use across any of your desktop devices
*MacOS support coming soon
You data stays with you locally
All data is saved locally in a in single file.